The program is spread over five days. Time is given with reference to CET.

Day 1: TUTORIAL – 17/3/2021

Tutorial 1: Use Case Analysis and Validation for Smart Grids: Overview of Methods and Tools (Mathias Uslar – OFFIS, Markus Mirz – RWTH Aachen, Filip Pröstl Andrén – AIT)

Tutorial 2: IntegrCiTy Toolchain Tutorial: Linking Semantic City Models with Technical Simulations (E. Widl – AIT)


Day 2: REGULAR PROGRAM – 18/3/2021

14:15-15:00  Keynote 1: Mark Van Stiphout – The EU’s support for energy system innovation to realise the Green Deal objectives
15:00-16:30 Tech Session 1: Data Platforms for Smart Cities and Smart Grids
Coordinated by H2020 Open DEI project – contact: Alberto Dognini, RWTH Aachen
17:00-18:30 Tech Session 2Shaping the future
Coordinated by Mihai Paun – CRE – Romania


Day 3: REGULAR PROGRAM –  19/3/2021
14:15-15:00  Keynote 2: Dr. Fiona Willian, Ericsson: “The role of 5G in future energy systems”

15:00-16:30 Tech Session 3: Local Energy Communities and Microgrid
Coordinated by L. Karg, BAUM, Germany

17:00-18:30 Tech Session 4: Future solutions for mobility in the city context
Coordinated by Prof. Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, University Linz

Day 4: REGULAR PROGRAM –  22/3/2021
14:15-15:00  Keynote 3: Prof. Stefan Decker, Fraunhofer FIT: “Data revolution for energy

15:00-16:30 Tech Session 5: AI for Smart Cities
Coordinated by Prof. Reza Arghandeh, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
17:00-18:30 Tech Session 6: Cybersecurity for critical infrastructures
Coordinated by G. Dan, KTH, Sweden

Day 5: REGULAR PROGRAM –  23/3/2021
14:15-15:00  Keynote 4: Dr. Thomas Strasser, AIT, “Fostering Innovation with European Smart Grid Research Infrastructures”   

15:00-16:30 Tech Session 7: Sector Coupling in city environment
Coordinated by Henrik Bindner, DTU, Denmark
17:00-18:30 Tech Session 8: Education in the digital era for digitalization
Coordinated by Dr. P. Kotsampopoulos, NTUA, Greece