Mark Van Stiphout

The EU’s support for energy system innovation to realise the Green Deal objectives
Short summary: To become climate neutral by 2050 and reduce GHG emissions by 55% by 2030 the EU needs a new way to manage the energy system.  A smart integrated energy system with many energy consuming and producing devices can provide flexibility and storage to integrate the ever-higher shares of renewables in an efficient way based on data-driven energy services. The presentation will focus on the way the EU’s policy instruments, from the Clean Energy Package to Horizon Europe, stimulate investments in innovation to realise the digital energy system of the future.
5G as a convergence technology for Smart Cities and Smart Grid
5G is emerging as the solution of choice with roll-outs on-going is almost all major cities globally.  If offers an innovative and cost-effective solution providing the connectivity and edge hosted services needed to make our cities smarter and our power grids greener.  Field trials of new energy services demonstrate the potential of AI-enhanced services to support public services in their quest for relentless efficiency.  New developments in 5G will make it easier for public services to meet this challenge.
Smart Data for Energy
Data are the new big resource for energy systems. Establishing a data economy is one of key changes that are going to affect future energy systems. Prof. Decker will bring his experience as data scientist to give a flavour of how this transformation may look like.
Fostering Innovation with European Smart Grid Research

The increased availability of advanced automation and communication technology, along with novel intelligent solutions for system operation has transformed the traditional power system into a cyber-physical energy system – a smart grid. In this context research and technology development are important to turn the existing energy infrastructure into a sustainable one. A major role in all these developments are research infrastructures in the domain of power and energy systems. This presentation provides an overview of achievements, experiences and lessons learned from European smart grid and distributed energy resources research infrastructure projects gained over more than a decade so far.