Former Director of Smart Grids in IBERDROLA (reporting to Global Networks CEO).

Graduated in Electrical Engineering (ICAI Universidad de Comillas) in 1974. M.I.T. (U.S.A.) Nuclear safety degree in 1977.

Several positions in Generation, Transmission and Distribution business of Iberdrola. In 1991, he was entrusted with Iberdrola’s telecommunications, involving himself in all its business aspects. Since 2,003 he also became responsible for real time Control Systems in Networks.

Former member of the UTC (US Utilities telecommunications Council) Board of Directors and President of its European division.

Member of the Board Committee of the European Technology Innovation platform “SMART NETWORKS FOR ENERGY TRANSITION”(ETIP SNET). Chair of its WG4 “Digitalization”

Member of the Advisory Committee of the M.I.T. Future of the Electric Grid Study and the M.I.T. Utility of the Future project.

General Secretary of PRIME Alliance.

He is currently Research affiliate and professor in the University Comillas, ICAI School of Engineering IIT and visiting professor in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Director of the Master Degree “SMART GRIDS” University Comillas.