Dr. Meng Lu, Strategic Innovation Manager at PEEK, The Netherlands; Member of Board of Governors, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society; Steering Committee Member, IEEE Future Networks – Enabling 5G and Beyond; Member of the Editorial Board of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Intelligent Transport Systems; In 2011-2015 Programme Manager at Dutch Institute of Advanced Logistics, The Netherlands; In 2009-2010 Visiting Professor at the National Laboratory for Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, P.R. China. Since 2002 active in the areas of ICT-based ITS, logistics and renewable energy. Participation in European initiatives and projects since 2005, as Coordinator, WP Leader and/or Partner.

Education: PhD at LTH (Faculty of Engineering), Lund University, Sweden; Master’s title and degree of Engineering in The Netherlands and P.R. China.