Henrik W. Bindner received the MSc in Electrical Engineering from Technical University of Denmark, Denmark (DTU), in 1988. Since 1990 he has been with DTU where he currently is a research group leader at Center for Electric Power and Energy part of Department of Electrical Engineering. He has been working on research project in the field of smart grids, intelligent, integrated multi-energy systems. He has been a lead developer of the research facility SYSLAB/PowerlabDK for smart grid research.

He has participated in several European research projects in the fields as work package leader and in many Danish projects as principal investigator and main contributor. He has supervised more than 20 PhDs covering different aspects of modelling, control and management of smart grid and integrated energy systems. He is sub-program leader in EERA JP Smart Grids and co-task lead in Mission Innovation IC#1 on smart grids.